Part of my AHK script is also a gr4comboAll which is a hotkey to generate this gui. I can choose any file or anything to appear here.
Archiv pro rubriku: app
Proč jsem si vybral Blender?

Chessboard svg generator = chessboarder
I’ve written a simple python script which uses svgwrite module for generating chessboard of various styles in svg format.
Jak stahovat hudbu v 21 století? Instant-Music-Downloader
The image processing algorithm visualiser (IPAV)
Recently I have created a Python openCV „frontend“ which allows a creation of computer vision algorithms by simply writing down their comma separated names. It creates a nice square widget chain where every „step“ algorithm has its own picture and info string. Interested? Keep reading!
kivy 1.9.1 + win7 + Python 3.4.3 + freezing code = creating one „exe“ from your kivy project
How can I deploy my application to the „customer“ so he does not have to install anything else? There are some alternatives with comparison on this site. Here I will show you a way how to freeze your kivy project via pyInstaller under win7.
#and now it’s working !!
gr4gallery = Gallery in Python 2.7.10 + OpenCV 3.0.0 + Tkinter GUI
Hi there fellows, a project emerged from the need of using OpenCV with GUI possibilities larger than trackbar. I am currently keen on Python, but I didn’t want to spend any time finding out how to make OpenCV + Python + Qt work, because the commercial licensing of Qt borthered me too much. Therefore I turned to the only other python GUI library I know so far the good ol‘ Tkinter.
Latex C# typesetting
How to typeset latex? Should you use hash-number symbol or the originaly intended musical sharp symbol in superscript? Decide yourself:
YoWindow – počasí ala Smartfone na PC
Máme rok 2015 a jak někteří tvrdí bude to rok IoT tedy Internetu Věcí, čili senzory všude od ledničky po tužku :). Kalibrovanou meteorologickou stanici připojenou do sítě sice ještě každý na domě nemá, ale již nějaký ten rok existuje spousta služeb, jež poskytuje předpověď počasí vzhledem k zadané poloze. Většinou se však k těmto datům dostaneme přes prohlížeč, respektive přes dedikovanou aplikaci ve Smartfounu. Avšak s YoWindow můžete na svém win7 PC mít aktuální předpověď přímo ve spořiči obrazovky, a to ještě s krásnými efekty počasí aplikovatelnými na jakýkoliv obrázek horizontu.
gr4pyShotor = gr4viton’s shortcut-creator
If anybody has disabled automatic indexing in windows (for me it was win7), but still wants to have his programs / files searchable via startup quick search menu. You would need to create shortcuts of the items and insert them into directory which is „allways“ quick-searchable one by one. For automating this process I’ve developed a python 3.4.0 program.