Latex C# typesetting

How to typeset latex? Should you use hash-number symbol or the originaly intended musical sharp symbol in superscript? Decide yourself:

You may read about it in various discussions and articles „around the web“. I scrapped some of them, so you can try to choose the most eye-candy one for you to use.

Just insert this text into your latex file:

What seems the best to you?

 \item The
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\tiny\bf \#} 
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\small\bf \#} 
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\scriptsize\bf \#} 
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\footnotesize\bf \#} 
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
C\nolinebreak\hspace{-0.05em}\raisebox{0.6ex}{\small\bf $\sharp$}
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
{\settoheight{\dimen0}{C}C\kern-.05em \resizebox{!}{\dimen0}{\raisebox{\depth}{\#}}}
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
{\settoheight{\dimen0}{C}C\kern-.05em \resizebox{!}{\dimen0}{\raisebox{\depth}{\bf \#}}}
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.

\item The
{\settoheight{\dimen0}{C}C\kern-.05em \resizebox{!}{\dimen0}{\raisebox{\depth}{$\sharp$}}}}
is one of the languages in which you can do anything.


I have chosen the number 11, as it is bold enaught and it does not disrupt the flow of text, imho, as it is the same height as the C letter.

So my macro for csharp sign looks something like this:


Have a nice day LaTeXing!

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