Some physics engine + GUI + Python 3.4 + win7 + OpenCV

  • Panda3D
    • GameDev engine
    • it uses only Python 2.7.3 (22-10-2015)
    •  GUI
      • difficult creation
    • 3D
      • yes
    • physics engine
    • Download
  • Kivy is multiplatform gui engine
    • win, mac, linux and even Android
    • GPU accelerated
    • Free MIT licence
  • KivEnt
    • KivEnt is a Game Engine designed for the Kivy Framework
    • physics library:
      • chipmunk
  • pyGame
    • Python 3
  • PySide
    • Open python Qt wrapper
    • doesn’t support QT5.X (25-10-2015)
  • PyQt
    • Commercial license for proprietary use


GUI only:


Physical engines only

  • cocos2d
    • 2d only
  • Bullet
    • 3d
    • awsome used in Pixar movies, Blender and NASA
  • pymunk
    • Python 2 & 3
    • 2d only
    • multiplatform
    • pythonic – usefull with pygame, pyglet and others
  • pyglet
    • 2d
    • only python 2.X

So I have chosen







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