Autohotkey – zkratky na všechno pod win7

Autohotkey je úžasný program, jenž vám pod Windows umožní téměř vše se vstupními periferiemy (myš klávesnice joystick joypad…). Vytvořit zkratky, naskriptovat stisky např. myši, přemapovat klávesy a mnoho dalšího.

Zde uvádím svůj config..

Aktuální verze mých ahk configů

je dostupná skrze google-drive:

  • gr4viton_latest.ahk – hlavní dokument
    • konvence – stále se mění ale přibližně platí:
      • super + písmeno = otevřít složku
      • super+alt + písmeno = otevřít program
      • atd.
    • používám capslock jako další modifikátor (jako např. shift či alt)
      • defaultní funkčnost capslocku je přes caps+F1 = zap caps+F2 vypnuto.
      • a caps + WSAD ale o jedno posunuty doprava takže ve skutečnosti caps+ESDF jsou kurzorové šipky. okolo těchto kláves jsou pod capslockem další editační klávesy, ESC backspace delete tab home end atd.
      • je to teoreticky rychlejší, např při navigaci či editaci jednou rukou..
    • hotstrings – vkládá za vás text po napsání zvolené kontrolní sekvence
      • vložení data ve formátu „2014_01_18“ po stisknutí „op]“
      • vložení emailu, telefonu …
  • comboAll.ahk – navigace do zákldaních nastavení windows pomocí rolovacího boxu
  • KDE_resizing.ahk – přesouvání a změna velikosti oken uchopením a táhnutím kdekoliv v těle okna
  • IntelliSense.ahk – nápověda při doplňování slov v textu – moc nepoužívám


Semi-aktuální verzi mám na gitu zde :).

gr4viton_latest.ahk – verze 2014_01_18:

;@project  gr4viton AHK script
;@filename gr4viton_latest
;@author   gr4viton
;@date     since 2011
;@brief    This scirpt is the best script in the world.. for me!


;ctrl ^
;super #
;alt !
;shift +
;$exp to let it send itselft without loop
;if you dont know name of some key you want to use as a hotkey, find out which scan code does it send (i.e. via Microsoft Keyboard Maker), and write the hotkey i.e #sc56::something

SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff

;;; to set the default script.. run the ah with parameters
;;; ah.exe->options-> [ah.exe "script.ahk"]

;#define obsah(x)   ((3.14)*(x)*(x))

;main {
;  int r = 10; 
;  int S = obsah(r);  
;  int S = ((3.14)*(r)*(r));

dir_conf := "D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey"
;dir_extras := "C:`\PROG`\control`\AutoHotkey`\Extras`\Scripts"
;dir_extras := "C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts"
;dir_extras = C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts
;dir_extras := "C:%\PROG%\control%\AutoHotkey%\Extras%\Scripts"
aa := "asdasdas"
;conf = %dir_conf% + KDE_resizing.ahk
;#include %conf%
;MsgBox "aaa".aa."!!!"
;#include dir_extras."\KDE_resizing.ahk"            
;#include %A_WorkingDir%KDE_resizing.ahk

;#include %ScriptFullPath% "KDE_resizing.ahk"
;#include C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts\KDE_resizing.ahk   
;#include C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts\IntelliSense.ahk    

;Run Explorer %A_ScriptDir%

#include %A_ScriptDir%
#include KDE_resizing.ahk  
;#include gr4viton_capslock.ahk        
;#include backspace_altup.ahk
;#include IntelliSense.ahk    

MsgBox U have started gr4viton's AHK layout, the most usefull layout.. for me! %A_ScriptDir%

;#include comboAll.ahk

+#!c::Run AutoHotkey.exe %A_ScriptDir%\comboAll.ahk

;#include D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey\KDE_resizing.ahk  
;#include D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey\IntelliSense.ahk    
;#include D:\BACKUP\app\control\autohotkey\GridMoveP1.ahk

;Web browser selection


:*:op]::  ; This hotstring replaces "]d" with the current date and time via the commands below.
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy_MM_dd
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%

FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy-MM-dd
i = 0
loop 10{
 i := i+1
 char := SubStr(CurrentDateTime, i, 1)
 SendInput %char%^{Enter}

;; Form strings

;; parsing functions
; changes the slashes of the string to {sc35}
return str
; mapa dveře brno
; :*:mpmp::slashEm(

;; Signal strings
:*:oo[::[] `
:*:ooo[::[X] `
^+z::Send [] `
^+x::Send [X] `

;; Formating strings


><}}}}}*> ><((*> <*))>< ><((*> <*))>< ><((*> <*))>< ><((*> <*))>< <*}}}}}><

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%>  <%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%{left 23}

@function   `
@brief      `		
@param[in]  `	
@param[out] `	
@return     `

CurrentDateTime = 
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy_MM_dd
a := 10
@project  `
@filename `	
@author   `
@date     `{%a%}
@brief    `				 

SI=SI+1; subplot2(SY,SX,SI);
imshow(im,[]); title(title_str); axis tight





;;legend for standard modifiers couples
;Autohotkey = !+^
;files & web-pages = #!, #!+
;RC files = #+^!
;APPS = #!
;man = #!^
;Directories = #

;Autohotkey = !+^
!+^sc56::Run E:\GDRIVE\control\ahk\gr4viton_latest.ahk 
!+^c::Run E:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\AutoScriptWriter\AutoScriptWriter.exe
; ahk reload - old

;sc - [] jak zistit? Abych mohl psat ř velky
;!+^e::Run C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts\gr4viton_latest.ahk 
;!+^w::Run C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\AutoScriptWriter\AutoScriptWriter.exe

;Run ::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}  ; Opens the "My Computer" folder.
;Run ::{645ff040-5081-101b-9f08-00aa002f954e}  ; Opens the Recycle Bin.

;MIND = #+^
;theBrain & webbrain
#+^q::Run ""

;#!+^sc56::Run E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\thisMonth.txt
;#sc56::Run E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\thisMonth.txt
+#sc56:: Run, E:PROG\dev\googlecl\google.exe docs edit "g_thisMonth" 

a := run_file("thisMonth.vim","Vim","E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\thisMonth.vim")
;if( %a% == 1 )
;{ ; activate the created - not functional..
;	run_file("inbox.vim","Vim","E:\GDRIVE\mind\log\inbox.vim")

  IfWinExist, ahk_class %ahkClass%
    IfWinExist, %title%
      return 0
  Run, %path%
return 1

;Run, cmd.exe
;IfExist, Administrator
;WinActivate, Administrator
;Send, E:PROG\dev\googlecl\google.exe %clipboard% {Enter}
;Sleep, 5000
;WinClose, Administrator

;evernote - old
;; criticalendar
;#+^q::Run evernote:///view/4759899/s44/a5e5804f-84a6-40e4-871d-d3ea3523dd27/a5e5804f-84a6-40e4-871d-d3ea3523dd27/
;; doing list
!#+^w::Run evernote:///view/4759899/s44/1625f2ee-08e2-4d02-935a-4d5c155f2e28/1625f2ee-08e2-4d02-935a-4d5c155f2e28/
;;actual month
#+!q::Run evernote:///view/4759899/s44/5db33d2d-5ca1-483a-aee4-8ba8375bc342/5db33d2d-5ca1-483a-aee4-8ba8375bc342/
; #+^a -add note
; #+^s - search note

; odorik

;;;files & web-pages = #!, #!+
;;educ - web
;;#!r::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "D:\EDUC\_INFO\rozvrh\m1\Student.mht"
#!r::Run D:\EDUC\_INFO\rozvrh\m1\rozvrh_up2.png
#!e::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow ""
#!+r::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow ""
#!+e::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow ""

#+!g::Run "" 

;;google - web
#!,::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow ""
#!c::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow ""
#!m::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow ""
#!z::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" 

+#!d::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow "" 

;;RC files = #+^!
;bash CYGWIN

#+^!b::Run Q:\PROG\office\vim\vim73\gvim.exe E:\PROG\dev\cygwin\home\graviton\.bashrc
;#+^!b::Run E:\PROG\dev\cygwin\home\graviton\.bashrc

;APPS = #!
;audio - video
#!+a::Run C:\PROG\audio\MediaMonkey\MediaMonkey.exe
#!a::Run E:\PROG\audio\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe
;#!o::Run C:\PROG\audio\Audacity\audacity.exe

#!v::Run Q:\PROG\video\vlc\vlc.exe
#!sc56::Run E:\PROG\disc\totalcmd\TOTALCMD.EXE

#!t::Run Q:\PROG\internet\Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe
#!f::Run firefox.exe
#!!::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
#!j::Run C:\PROG\internet\JDownloader v2.0\JDownloader2.exe
#!g::Run Q:\PROG\office\vim\vim73\gvim.exe
#+c::Run Q:\PROG\office\vim\vim73\runvim.vbs
#!h::Run D:\GAMESY\SMALL\golly-2.4-win\Golly.exe
#!p::Run E:\PROG\ele\PuTTY\putty.exe
#!i::Run E:\PROG\ele\Terminal20130116\Terminal.exe

;;terminal & win apps

!`::Run E:\PROG\dev\googlecl\google.exe
;cygwin - terminal; setup
#`::Run E:\PROG\dev\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
;#+`::Run E:\PROG\dev\cygwin64\cygwin.bat
#+`::Run D:\DATA\dev\cygwin\setup
;windows - terminal; taskmanager
+!`::Run cmd
#!`::Run taskmgr

;#!;::Run taskmgr !E!3

; text for teh windows
+#v::Run C:\PROG\control\AutoHotkey\Extras\Scripts\tftw.exe

;;not so widely used
#!d::Run D:\DATA\office\Lingea%A_Space%2002\lexicon.exe
#!s::Run C:\PROG\internet\Esmska\esmska.exe
#!u::Run D:\ELE\circuit\circuit.jar
;#!x::Run C:\PROG\life\XMind\xmind.exe
#!y::Run C:\PROG\ele\ResistorColorCoder\Res_Color_Code.exe

#!k::Run C:\PROG\educ\Calcute\Calcute.exe
;#!k::Run calc.exe
#!Insert::Run D:\DATA\bench\hw64_393\HWiNFO64.exe
#!Break::Run E:\PROG\bench\CPU-Z\cpuz.exe

#!b::Run E:\PROG\mind\TheBrain\TheBrain.exe

;#!+^sc56::Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe -newwindow ""
 ;full_path = D:\ELE\circuit\circuit.jar
 ;Run,  cmd /K cd /D "%full_path%"
 ;Run,  cmd java %full_path%

; files - to edit 
;#!b::Run D:\EDUC\bak_bakalarka\texnic\bakalarka.tcp
#+!b::Run D:\EDUC\bak_bakalarka\texnic\bakalarka.pdf

;;man = #!^

;#!m::Run D:\EDUC\_INFO\mapy\t_12.jpg

#!^v::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\VIM\vim.txt
#!^z::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\VIM\vi-vim-tutorial-1.gif ;vim-cheat-sheet.gif

#!^l::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\LATEX\howto\latexsheet-a4.pdf
#!^k::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\LATEX\howto\lshort2e.pdf

;#!^g::Run D:\READ\git_cmds.txt

#!^j::Run D:\READ\MAN\office\LATEX\OLD\TUT\bkez.tex
;#!j::Run D:\EDUC\_MAN\LATEX\math\siunitx.pdf

#!^s::Run D:\READ\ele\KnihyElektro\THIS_Power Supply Cookbook.pdf

;Directories = #

#2::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\m1\V_MPOV\proj_terrain_recognition
#3::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\m1\R_MRTS\proj_robo_ruka

#w::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\m1\
#q::Run Explorer D:\CREATION\WORK\CVVI\

;#sc56::Run Explorer D:\CREATION\ELE\EAGLE
;#sc56::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\bak_bakalarka\
;#b::Run Explorer D:\BACKUP\
#b::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\bak_bakalarka\


#a::Run Explorer D:\DATA\
#r::Run Explorer D:\READ
#s::Run Explorer D:\SOUND\
#v::Run Explorer.exe D:\VIEW\

#f::Run Explorer D:\VIEW\SPATIAL\FILM\

#x::Run Explorer D:\DN\
#g::Run Explorer D:\GAMESY
#c::Run Explorer D:\CREATION

!#^+d::Run Explorer E:\GDRIVE

#h::Run Explorer C:\users\gr4viton

#o::Run Explorer C:\PROG\
#!o::Run, control Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeatures

#!l::Run Explorer D:\EDUC\_MAN\LATEX\TUT

path := "D:`\MIND\space"    
;path := D:\MIND\space
;#q::Run Explorer -dir %path%
;#q::Run Explorer D:\MIND\space

;#q::Run %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /E,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

;^#\::WinResore 'MediaMonkey' 


;nefunguje alt na hp 620 od baryb

;;alt f4                                                                                              
#F4::Send {ALTDOWN}{F4}{ALTUP}

;   Send {ALTDOWN}{TAB}
;   KeyWait, {TAB} ; wait until the button is released
;   Send, {ALTUP}

;;;;;;ZJISTI jak s tim tabenm asbys mohl altabovat = supertabovat
;;;;;;Vytískni BRR1 str 49č

;!p::Send {ALTUP}

;capslock to ctrl

;this is the key under esc
;   Send {Escape Down}
;   KeyWait, Capslock ; wait until the Capslock button is released
;   Gui, 93:Cancel
;   Send, {Escape Up}


;How can a prefix key be made to perform its native function rather than doing nothing?

;Consider the following example, which makes Numpad0 into a prefix key:
; Numpad0 & Numpad1::MsgBox, You pressed Numpad1 while holding down Numpad0.

;Now, to make Numpad0 send a real Numpad0 keystroke whenever it wasn't used to launch a hotkey such as the above, add the following hotkey:
; $Numpad0::Send, {Numpad0}

;The $ prefix is needed to prevent a warning dialog about an infinite loop (since the hotkey "sends itself"). In addition, the above action occurs at the time the key is released.

IfWinExist Untitled - Notepad
	Run Notepad

SetTitleMatchMode RegEx

; Stuff to do when Windows Explorer is open
#IfWinActive ahk_class ExploreWClass|CabinetWClass

    ; create new text file
    #t::Send !fwt

    ; open 'cmd' in the current directory

; Opens the command shell 'cmd' in the directory browsed in Explorer.
; Note: expecting to be run when the active window is Explorer.
    ; This is required to get the full path of the file from the address bar
    WinGetText, full_path, A

    ; Split on newline (`n)
    StringSplit, word_array, full_path, `n
    ; Take the first element from the array
    full_path = %word_array1%   

    ; strip to bare address
    full_path := RegExReplace(full_path, "^Address: ", "")

    ; Just in case - remove all carriage returns (`r)
    StringReplace, full_path, full_path, `r, , all

    IfInString full_path, \
        Run,  cmd /K cd /D "%full_path%"
        Run, cmd /K cd /D "C:\ "

; Note: From now on whenever you run AutoHotkey directly, this script
; will be loaded.  So feel free to customize it to suit your needs.

; Please read the QUICK-START TUTORIAL near the top of the help file.
; It explains how to perform common automation tasks such as sending
; keystrokes and mouse clicks.  It also explains more about hotkeys.

;dyz neni okno gvimu tak 
;caps+h back caps+j enter
;	caps+ALT+hjkl = arrows

;open flash key
;; Windows fitting
Run, notepad.exe
WinWait, Untitled - Notepad, , 3
if ErrorLevel
    MsgBox, WinWait timed out.
    WinMinimize  ; Minimize the window found by WinWait.

WinMove, 0, 0


;; CAPSLOCKing -> this works without modifiers
Capslock & F1::
	SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
	MsgBox SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
Capslock & F2::
	SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOn
	MsgBox SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOn

Capslock & h::Send {Left}
Capslock & j::Send {Down}
Capslock & k::Send {Up}
Capslock & l::Send {Right}

;ctrl-ae jh=mn
Capslock & n::Send {BS}
Capslock & m::Send {Enter}
;Capslock & e::Send {END}
;Capslock & a::Send {HOME}

; vim-conf
^#!+g::Send {ESC}:set guifont=Consolas:h9{Enter}

Capslock & q::Send {ESC}

Capslock & 2::
Send {Ctrl Down}{x}{Ctrl Up}
Capslock & 3::
Send {Ctrl Down}{c}{Ctrl Up}
Capslock & 4::
Send {Ctrl Down}{v}{Ctrl Up}

;; CAPSLOCKing -> XSHIFT -> not used anymore

;Capslock & v::

;Capslock & y::
;If (shifted)
;  Send,{Shift Down}
;  Send,{Shift UP}

;Capslock & z::
;If (shifted)
;  Send,{Shift Down}
;  Send,{Shift UP}

;Alt & Capslock & e::
;Send {Alt}{Up}
;MsgBox altup

;Capslock & SPACE::
;Send {Enter}

;Capslock & w::
;Send {BS}

;Capslock & r::
;Send {Delete}

;;shift triggering function
 ;shchange:= (a==Shifted) ? 0:1
 ;If (a == 2){
   ;Shifted:= a
   ;If (Shifted )
     ;Send,{Shift Down}
     ;Send,{Shift UP}

;;*LCtrl::Send {Blind}{LCtrl}

;; CAPSLOCKing -> this works WITH modifiers - but its blocking hotstrings on those keys

;CapSend(KEY, KEY2) NO/, KEY3)
; Function to trigger different keys when pressed with shift, alowing other modifiers ( shift+arrows)
; caps + key = KEY
; key = KEY2
; NO/ caps + key + alt = KEY3
CapSend(KEY, KEY2){
if GetKeyState("Capslock","P") {
 SetKeyDelay -1
 Send {Blind}{%KEY% DownTemp}
;if GetKeyState("Capslock","P") && GetKeyState("alt","P"){
 ;SetKeyDelay -1
 ;Send {Blind}{%KEY3% DownTemp}
;; not functional on super-arrow moving windows
;else if GetKeyState("Super","P") && GetKeyState("Capslock","P")
;  Send #%KEY2%  
 Send {Blind}{%KEY2% DownTemp}  

; first row
*s::CapSend("Left", "s")
*d::CapSend("Down", "d")
*e::CapSend("Up", "e")
*f::CapSend("Right", "f")

; second row
*t::CapSend("Tab", "t")
*space::CapSend("Enter", "space")

*w::CapSend("Backspace", "w")
*r::CapSend("Delete", "r")

; third row
*g::CapSend("END", "g")
*a::CapSend("HOME", "a")
*sc56::CapSend("PgUp", "sc56")
*z::CapSend("PgDn", "z")

; fourth row
*x::CapSend("^Left", "x")
*c::CapSend("^Right", "c")

; CAPSLOCKing -> this works WITH modifiers
 ;does not allow easy multiple modificators with capslocked alternative keys
 ;but maybe would not interfere with hot strings -> to try? why bother??

;;sendshift function
;send +%key%  
;send % getkeystate("shift","p") ? +%key%: %key%
;if getkeystate("shift","p")
  ;send +%key%  
  ;send %key%  
 ;send "%key%"
;send "{".%key%."}"

;;sendmodified function
 ;if getkeystate("ctrl","p") && getkeystate("shift","p") && getkeystate("alt","p")
  ;send !^+%key%  
 ;if getkeystate("ctrl","p") &&  getkeystate("shift","p")
  ;send ^+%key%  
;else if getkeystate("shift","p")
  ;send +%key%  
;else if getkeystate("control","p")
  ;send ^%key%  
;else if getkeystate("alt","p")
  ;send !%key%  
;else if getkeystate("super","p")
  ;send #%key%  
  ;send %key%  
 ;send "%key%"
;send "{".%key%."}"

;; first row:
;capslock & s::sendmod("{left}")
;capslock & d::sendmod("{down}")
;capslock & e::sendmod("{up}")
;capslock & f::sendmod("{right}")

;; second row
;;capslock & t::send {tab}

;; third row
;;capslock & g::sendmod("{end}")
;;capslock & a::sendmod("{home}")
;;capslock & x::sendmod("{pgdn}")
;;capslock & c::sendmod("{pgup}")

;; fourth row
;;capslock & x::sendmod("^{left}")
;;capslock & c::sendmod("^{right}")

; mouse buttons -> now covered in "KDE Intell move" 
;Send {win down}{LButton down}
;msgbox is dn
;Send {LWin Down}{LButton down}
;MsgBox ah
;XButton1 Up::Send {Lwin Up}{LButton up}
;XButton2::Send {LWin}{RButto down}
;XButton2 Up::Send {Super}{RButton up}

; others
¨::Send \

; joypad
Send {Left down}  ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait Joy1  ; Wait for the user to release the joystick button.
Send {Left up}  ; Release the left-arrow key.

Send {Right down}  ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait Joy2  ; Wait for the user to release the joystick button.
Send {Right up}  ; Release the left-arrow key.

;DelaySend(Key, Interval=200, SendMethod="Send") {
;    static KeyStack := []
;    KeyStack[Key] := IsObject(KeyStack[Key]) ? KeyStack[Key] : {base: {LastTickCount: 0}}
;    ObjInsert( KeyStack[Key], { Key: Key, Interval: Interval, SendMethod: SendMethod })
;    Gosub, Label_DelaySend
;    Return    
;    Label_DelaySend:
;        For Key in KeyStack {
;            if !(MinIndex := KeyStack[Key].MinIndex())
;                Continue
;            Span := A_TickCount - KeyStack[Key].LastTickCount
;            if (Span < KeyStack[Key][MinIndex].Interval)    ;loaded too early
;                SetTimer,, % -1 * (KeyStack[Key][KeyStack[Key].MinIndex()].Interval - Span)     ;[v1.1.01+] 
;            else {
;                SendMethod := KeyStack[Key][MinIndex].SendMethod
;                SendingKey := KeyStack[Key][MinIndex].Key
;                if (SendMethod = "SendInput")
;                    SendInput, % SendingKey
;                Else if (SendMethod = "SendPlay")
;                    SendPlay, % SendingKey
;                Else if (SendMethod = "SendRaw")
;                    SendRaw, % SendingKey
;                Else if (SendMethod = "SendEvent")
;                    SendEvent, % SendingKey
;                Else
;                    Send, % SendingKey;

;                ObjRemove(KeyStack[Key], MinIndex)    ;decrement other elements
;                if KeyStack[Key].MinIndex() ;if there is a next queue
;                    SetTimer,, % -1 * KeyStack[Key][KeyStack[Key].MinIndex()].Interval        ;[v1.1.01+]
;                KeyStack[Key].base.LastTickCount := A_TickCount
;            }
;        }

;tf2 wsad not functional
;$w::SendInput {7}

;w::SendPlay {7}

;a::SendPlay {y}
;s::SendPlay {u}
;d::SendPlay {i}

; printing void month

; WDay - monday=2
; YWeek

;Function LDOM()
; Derives & Returns the Last Day Of Month 
; Examples:
; TotalDays := LDOM() ; uses System date
; TotalDays := LDOM("20040219") ; returns 29 as 2004 is a leap year
  If TimeStr=

  Day  = 28
  Date = %Date%%Day%

       if tMonth != %cMonth%
  Return Day

; Function to print day title
    yyyyMMdd = %yyyy%%MM%%dd%
;    MsgBox {%yyyyMMdd%}

    FormatTime, tim, %yyyyMMdd%, '#>'dd'd_'ddd'<'

    FormatTime, wday, %yyyyMMdd%, WDay
    if wday = 2 
     str = <<<<<<<< ; monday
     str = ######## 
    endline = ###################################################`n
    tim = %tim%%str%%endline%
;    MsgBox {%tim%}
    return tim

; Function to print void month
; add is a parameter for printing next months
    ; current date
    FormatTime, yyyy, , yyyy
    FormatTime, MM, , MM
    dd = 1
    MM += add
    if MM = 13 ; for only plus one
     MM = 01 
    ddMax := LDOM( %yyyy%%MM%%dd% )

    tim = thisMonth
    tim = %tim%`n%yyyy%_%MM%`n`n
    Loop %ddMax%
      ddStr := printDayTitle(yyyy,MM,dd)
      tim = %tim%%ddStr%h`n[] `n
;      MsgBox %ddStr%,%dd%
      Sleep, 10
    MsgBox %tim%
    return %tim%

str := printVoidMonth()
clipboard = %str%

str := printVoidMonth(1)
clipboard = %str%

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